Hello readers, On 16th December 2023, we held our third Annual Meet attended by six artists in Hyderabad at Here’s What’s Cooking. To those who aren’t informed yet, Annual Meets are events when members from our community meet in person and get to know each other while also suggesting how the community should change for the better. This year, alongside meeting and sharing their common interests, the suggestions to improve were as follows. Firstly, many of them proposed to approach more eccentric projects; secondly, a few advocated for complete reign on the final product for product creators; thirdly, the suggestion of last year to invest in different mediums was again touched on, and finally, they all pushed to encourage diversity in ideas.
On behalf of the community, we are trying our best to put these suggestions into execution as soon as possible. We also have many more notions in the pipeline for 2024, and we hope our readers find them interesting. We thank you for your time and wish you take care and stay safe. Regards, WP Team |
December 2024