In our sixth Technicians Talk Podcast, Sneha Boyapally talks about her journey as a photographer and with the community. The podcast discusses why it is important to train in the craft of photography and what it is like to be a female photographer in India. Check out the artisans’ work here, and if you have any issues or concerns, please contact [email protected]. SourcesIn our Eleventh Story Behind Podcast, Nidhi Pandey and Vaidurya Pratap Sahi discuss the ideas, changes, and execution details for our anthology, “Sahis’ Anecdotes”. Published on 29th June 2024, this collection of anecdotes from Tamkuhi Raj, a province in northern India, tells the stories of royal staff, cooks, pets and commoners, alongside the accounts of the rulers, queens and their children. This book is available online, ebook & paperback here! Sourcesउदित और लता कॉलेज के दिनों से साथ थे और उन्होनें अपने रिश्ते को अंजाम देते हुए शादी कर ली। दोनों विपरीत व्यक्तित्व के होते हुए भी एक दूसरे का हाथ थामे जीवन के कठिन रास्तों पर चल रहे थे। लेकिन कब तक? जैसा कि सब लोग समझते थे, वास्तव में वैसी आदर्श जोड़ी थी उनकी? या फिर उनके रिश्ते की कई परतों में कुछ छिपा भी था? निधि पांडे की “इत्तेफ़ाक” पूछती है, मनचाहे व्यक्ती से विवाह करने पर भी, क्या जीवन हमेशा शांत और सरल रहता है? वो शुरुआती ख़ुशी हमेशा रहेगी? क्या जीवन के उतार-चढ़ाव में जीवनसाथी हमेशा साथ देते हैं? किए गए वादे हमेशा निभाए जाते हैं? SourcesTeamइस कहानी की कथानक आर. एस. चिंतलपाटि द्वारा निर्मित है, निधि पांडे द्वारा लिखी गयी, मधूलिका आचंटा द्वारा संपादित, श्रुति किशोर साही द्वारा आवाज अभिनय, और छायाचित्रण मनोहर कोविर द्वारा किया गया है।
In our Tenth Story Behind Podcast, Rajiv R Nair & V. K. Telkepalli discuss the ideas, changes and execution details for our anthology “Detective GovindaM”. Published on 17th February 2024, this collection showcases how Detective Govind grew up hunting criminals and facing the harsh reality of life over the years. This book is available online, ebook & paperback here! SourcesIn our Ninth Story Behind Podcast, Akansha Pandey & Nidhi Pandey discuss the ideas, changes, and execution details for our anthology “स्त्री”. Published on 29th October 2023, this collection is a journey of a woman’s life struggles, courage, and hope in every difficulty, dedication and faith in relationships, how she protects and maintains herself in the world, and her efforts to remain a lotus even while living in the mud. This book is available online, ebook & paperback here! SourcesIn our fifth Technicians Talk Podcast, Tarun Chintam talks about his craft in editing & about his journey with the community since 2017. The podcast discusses how originality is to be explored, what editors seek, and how to choose which stories to tell. Check out the artisans’ work here, and if you have any issues or concerns, please contact [email protected]. SourcesIn our Eighth Story Behind Podcast, Sharon Mathew & Keerthana Muguda discuss the ideas, changes, and execution details for our short story “Ghostly Girl”. Published on 25th August 2023, this short story tells the story of a lean, frail girl who, due to her actions, did not have any friends. One day, she comes across a companion who sticks and truly understands her. However, before she’s contented, life bumps something up. This book is available online, ebook & paperback here! SourcesIn our fourth Technicians Talk Podcast, Sreekar Ayyagari talks about his craft in editing & proofreading alongside his journey with the community since 2020. The podcast discusses how editors work, what they seek, and what challenges them. Check out the artisans’ work here, and if you have any issues or concerns, please contact [email protected]. SourcesIn our third Technicians Talk Podcast, Ravindra Patoju talks about his craft in photography & filmmaking alongside his journey with the community since 2020. The podcast discusses how in art, everything is unique, how to address if there is no support from family, how to address originality, time-lining and collaborations. Check out the artisans’ work here, and if you have any issues or concerns, please contact [email protected]. SourcesIn our seventh Story Behind Podcast, Nikhila Kotni & Keerthana Muguda discuss the ideas, changes, and execution details for our novelette titled “Quest for Slumber”. Published on 13th July 2023, this novelette tells the story of King Tanish, who is on a quest for a slumber that eludes him. But as he delves deeper into his pursuit, he uncovers a love story woven with sacrifice and devotion. This book is available online and as an ebook & paperback here! Sources |